Detoxifying and Elasticizing

The skin is an organ and should be treated as such. It is attacked daily by toxic substances that poison it (atmospheric and textile pollution, perfumes, synthetic cosmetics, medicines, dietary toxins, ageing). Detoxifying the skin is a ritual to renew it and feel good about ourselves. In this treatment, Mei uses the Toning Emulsion, a […]

Persian Rose Body and Face

Roses bloom all year round with this precious body and face ritual. The essential oil of the Persian rose, from the highlands of Iran, envelops the skin in a soft caress with its silky, illuminating effect. Entrust yourself to the harmonious manual technique and the skin of your body and face will literally blossom again. […]

Star Up Anti-Cellulite Draining Treatment

Start Up is the mud, the protagonist of this effective lymphatic draining, microcirculation stimulating and anti-cellulite treatment. The application of the poultice is preceded by a detoxifying massage with green clay scrub and followed by a specific draining massage with equisetum oil and final juniper gel. Duration: legs and abdomen 50 minutes, € 60.00; total […]

Mei Spa Exclusive Dolce Vita

Enveloped in the essential oils of sweet orange and mandarin your skin will obtain new life, softness and radiance thanks to the synergy of the refined Mei SPA Exclusive products. The ritual opens with the Dolce Vita scrub with calibrated sugar micro-crystals, followed by an elasticising massage with citrus balance oil and the silky, illuminating […]

Mei Spa Exclusive Under Salt

A revitalizing charge given by the detoxifying power of Sicilian sea salt, enhanced by the freshness of the essential oils of Piedmont peppermint and wild mint, all in synergy with the plant extracts of green tea and ginseng. This is the “green line” that unites the Mei Spa Exclusive Under Salt ritual with a general […]

Mei Relax

Dedicated to those who need to relax the particularly contracted areas of the head and neck. A relaxing footbath with foot massage is followed by a decontracting massage of the shoulders, neck and head that gives a feeling of lightness. Duration: 45 minutes, € 55.00

Mei Balance

Rebalancing treatment based on the active principles of orange and lemon essential oils and enveloping manual techniques. It is ideal for people who want a rebalancing and regenerating moment that predisposes to well-being The treatment starts with a foot bath and massage and continues with a full-body massage. Duration: 50 minutes, € 65.00

Sardinia Gold

This island is a precious treasure chest of plants and arboreal essences rich in essential oils that the sea, the wind, the earth and the climate make unique. The vital force of nature gives the products of this special line a series of indigenous active ingredients: olive oil, essential oils of myrtle and rosemary, and […]

Express Body Scrub

Application of a body scrub, chosen from: brown sugar and coconut, sea salt and mint, ventilated green clay and essential oils, brown sugar and orange. Removed with warm towels Duration: 30 minutes, € 45.00

“Aloe & Clay” Change of Season

Ideal treatment for the change of season, where the skin needs to be purified and regenerated through a scrub made of green clay, castor oil and lemon essential oil. This is followed by a massage with neutral vegetable cream and aloe and propolis after-sun milk for a nourishing, antibacterial, elasticising and anti-dryness effect. Duration: 50 […]

Specific Body Treatment

Draining, reducing and anti-cellulite. Combined with a scrub, mud, poultice or specific bandage. Duration: legs 60 minutes, € 70.00; body 80 minutes, € 90.00

Toning “BodyMei”

Body treatment that aims to detoxify and regenerate the skin through the Toning Emulsion Scrub, followed by a compress with Arnica Cream with anti-inflammatory, draining and stimulating functions for the circulation. To conclude, a firming and toning massage to sculpt the treated area with Body Mei Body and Breast Gel made with essential oils of […]


Intervention carried out using the funding:

POR FESR – “Bando per l’attivazione, sviluppo, consolidamento di aggregazioni di PMI per interventi che favoriscano l’orientamento alla domanda turistica e ai mercati internazionali”

Asse 3
Competitività dei sistemi Produttivi

Azione 3.3.4 – Sostegno alla competitività delle imprese nelle destinazioni turistiche, attraverso interventi di qualificazione dell’offerta e innovazione di
prodotto/servizio, strategica ed organizzativa Sub-Azione D “Promozione”
DGR 1426 del 01/10/2019 – progetto di aggregazione finalizzato alla alla promo-commercializzazione di prodotti turistici sviluppati all’interno del network di imprese

Spesa ammessa: € 592.700,00
Contributo ammesso: 296.350,00



 Carciofino stufato

 Cheesecake all’Acciuga del Cantabrico,

e terra di Cipolle Caramellate

Composta di Asparagi in Vasocottura

e Maionese d’Uovo sodo


 Riso Venere al Cedro e Basilico

con Giardino di Verdure

Gnocchi alle Erbette Spontanee

spuma di Piave Stravecchio e Perle di Mostarda di Frutta


 Filetto di Maiale al Pesto di Primavera

Gateau di Patate all’Erba Cipollina e

Costolette d’Agnello panate ma non fritte  


  Tortino cuore morbido al Cioccolato con Gelato alla Crème Brulè e coulì di Fragole marinate al Rhum



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